Mandatory documents evaluation surgical instruments
DownloadAfter Pre Bid BSD's for NEW LIFT Passanger type
Download2nd Time BSD's Conservancy services for Hospital
DownloadBSD's for NEW LIFT
DownloadTechnical evaluation of conservancy services
DownloadCorrigendum of Supply & Installation of Complete Wifi (Enterprise Network Infrastructure Project)
DownloadMandatory Sheet IT Accessories Leftover
Downloadmandatory evaluation Signages
DownloadSanitary Items Mandatory Evaluation
Downloadmandatory evaluation of Generator repair
Downloadmandatory Sheet new ACs
DownloadUpdated After Prebid β Supply & Installation of Complete LAN & WIFI Infrastructure -Enterprise Network Infrastructure
DownloadAfter Prebid - complete LAN & WIFI Infrastructure -Enterprise Network Infrastucture
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSD's for Dental Equipment's
DownloadBSD's Dental Equipment's
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Medicine Surgical Disposables 2024-25
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Surgical Instruments 2024-25
DownloadSupply & Installation of complete LAN & WIFI Infrastructure -Enterprise Network Infrastructure Project
DownloadBSDs for Medicine Surgical Disposbales 2023-24
Download2nd Time BSDs for Sanitary Items 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Surgical Instruments 2024-25
DownloadAfter Pre Bid BSD's Conservancy services for Hospital
Download2nd time BSDs for Signages 2024-25
DownloadTechnical Sheet Laboratory Kits
DownloadBlood Bags Technical Evaluation
DownloadMicrobiology Disp Technical Sheet
DownloadHospital Machines reagents Technical Sheet
DownloadLeftover Items BSDs for IT Accessories & New Toners 2024-25
Download2nd Time BSDs for Repair & Overhauling of 210 KVA Generators
Download2nd time BSDs for New Air Conditioners, Refrigerator, Chiller & Water Dispenser 2024-25
DownloadBSD Conservancy services for Hospital
DownloadTechnical Sheet (Dialysis Disposable Items)
DownloadSecurity Services (Technical Sheet)
DownloadRevised Techincal Evaluation of All in O
DownloadTechnical evaluation of construction BKM
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Security Services
DownloadTechnical evaluation of All in one compu
DownloadBSDs for Security Services
DownloadTHQ Topi Pharmacy
DownloadTHQ Lahor Existing block
DownloadTHQ Hospital Topi Existing Block
DownloadPharmacy Lahor Renovation
DownloadCamScanner 06-07-2024 08.50
DownloadBidding Documents for Offices and RCC Pad
DownloadBidding Documents & BOQ for Establishment, Construction of Pahrmacy in THQ Topi
DownloadBidding Documents & BOQ for Establishment, Construction of Pahrmacy in THQ Lahor
DownloadAdmin block Renovation
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Microbiology Disposables Items 2024-25
DownloadMicrobiology Disposables BSDs 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Pathology & Blood Bank Hospital Machine Reagent & Parts 2024-2025
DownloadBSDs for Laboratory Items & Kits 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Dialysis Disposables items 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Blood Bags with set 2024-25
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDS for All in One computer systems GKMC
DownloadBSD for All in one Computer System along with other IT equipments
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Repair & Overhauling of 210 KVA Generators
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for X-Ray Films 2024-25
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Stationery Items 2024-25
DownloadAfter PRe-Bid BSDs for New Air Conditioners, Refrigerator, Chiller & Water Dispenser 2024-25
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for IT Accessories & New Toners 2024-25
DownloadTechnical sheet for CSSD 2nd Time
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DownloadBSDs for Stationery Items 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Sanitary Items 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Printing and Panaflex Items 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Paper Reams 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for IT Accessories & New Toners 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for House Keeping Items 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Electrical Items, Parts of ACs & Refrigerator 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Electrical Cables (Wires) 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Electrical Cables (Wires) 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Dental Disposables Items 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Batteries 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Bedding Clothing & Window Blinds 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Signages 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for New Air Conditioners, Refrigerator, Chiller & Water Dispenser 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Medical & Non-Medical Items 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Hardware, Security and Fire & Safety Items 2024-25
DownloadBSDs for Repair & Overhauling of 210 KVA Generators
Download2nd Time BSDs for Repair & Maintenance of CSSD
DownloadMinutes of The Grievance Redressal Committee of Medical Gases & Related items
DownloadTechnical Evaluation Sheet for Repair & Maintenance of CSSD
DownloadRevised Technical Sheet Of Medical Gases
DownloadTechnical evaluation sheet of Medical Ga
DownloadBSDs for Medical Gases 2024-25
DownloadAfter Pre Bid BSDs for Repair & Maintenance of CSSD
DownloadAfter Pre Bid BSDs for Repair & Maintenance of CSSD
DownloadAfter Pre Bid BSDs for Repair & Maintenance of CSSD
DownloadBSDs for Repair & Maintenance of CSSD
DownloadTechnical Evaluation of Supply & Installation of Solar System
DownloadTechnical Evaluation of Supply & Installation of Solar System
DownloadPre-Bid Meeting Minutes of Supply and Installation of Solar System
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Solar System
DownloadBDS for Solar system
DownloadTechnical Sheet for Pathology & Blood Bank Proprietary items RR Basis
DownloadTechnical Evaluation of Laboratory items
DownloadTechnical Evaluation of Pathology & Blood Bank Hospital Machine Reagents
DownloadTechnical Evaluation of Blood Bags
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Medicine Surgical Disposables 2023-24
DownloadBSDs for Paper Reams 2023-24
Download2nd time BSDs for Dental Disposables Items 2023-24
DownloadBSDs for Medicine Surgical Disposbales 2023-24
DownloadRevised-1 After Pre-Bid BSDs for Pathology & Blood Bank Hospital Machine Reagent & Parts 2nd Time 2023-2024
DownloadRevised-1 After Pre-Bid BSDs for Pathology & Blood Bank Properitary Items 2nd Time 2023-24
DownloadRevised-1 After Pre-Bid BSDs for Laboratory Items & Kits 2nd Time 2023-24
DownloadRevised-1 After Pre-Bid BSDs for Blood Bags 2nd Time 2023-24
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Blood Bags 2nd Time 2023-24
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Laboratory Items & Kits 2nd Time 2023-24
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Pathology & Blood Bank Hospital Machine Reagent & Parts 2nd Time 2023-2024
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Pathology & Blood Bank Properitary Items 2nd Time 2023-24
DownloadPathology & Blood Bank Hospital Machine Reagent & Parts BSDs 2nd Time 2023-2024
DownloadLaboratory Items Kits BSDs 2nd Time 2023-24
DownloadBlood Bags BSDs 2nd Time 2023-24
DownloadPathology & Blood Bank Properitary Items BSDs 2nd Time 2023-24
DownloadTechnical Evaluation for Local purchase
DownloadTechnical Evaluation for sehat sahulat
Download2nd Time BSDs for Local Purchase of Medicines & Surgical Disposable 2023-24
Download2nd Time BSDs for LP Sehat Sahulat Card 2023-24
DownloadTechnical Sheet Microbiology Disposable
DownloadTechnical Evaluation Sheet B -Microbiology Disposable Items
DownloadTechnical sheet for local purchase of medicines
DownloadTechnical Sheet for LP for Sehat Sahulat
DownloadTechnical evaluation of dialysis Disposal
DownloadPathology & Blood Bank Non Prop (Technical Evaluation Report sheet B)
DownloadTechnical Evaluation Report of Pathology &Blood Bank Non-Prop Items
DownloadMandatory Document evaluation Report for the tender printer and panaflex items
DownloadMandatory Documents Evaluation of Stationery items
DownloadMandatory Documents Evaluation of Bedding Clothing & Window Blinds
DownloadMandatory Documents Evaluation of Hardware, Security, Fire & Safety Items
DownloadMandatory Documents Evaluation of Housekeeping Items
DownloadNew Air Conditioner, Refrigerator, Chillers & Water Dispenser
DownloadMandatory Documents Evaluation of Sanitary Items
DownloadMandatory Documents Evaluation of Signages
DownloadMandatory Documents Evaluation of Heavy Duty Racks
DownloadMandatory Documents Evaluation of Medical & Non Medical Items
DownloadMandatory Documents Evaluation of X-Ray Films
DownloadMandatory Documents Evaluation of Computer Hardware & New Toners
DownloadMandatory Documents Evaluation of Electrical, Parts of ACS & Refrigerator
DownloadTechnical Evaluation of Medical Gases and other Related items
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Medical & Non Medical items 2023-24
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Dental Disposables items 2023-24
DownloadAfter Pre Bid BSDs for Pathology & Blood Band Non Properitary 2023-24
DownloadAfter pre Bid BSDs for LP Sehat Sahulat Card 2023-24
DownloadAfter Pre Bid BSDs for Local purchase medicines and surgical Disposable 2023-24
DownloadAfter Pre Bid Microbiology Disposables BSD 2023-24
DownloadBSD for Medical & Non Medical items 2023 -24
DownloadBSD for Dental Disposables items 2023-24
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid BSDs for Stationery Items 2023-24
DownloadAfter Pre Bid BSDs for Signages 2023-24
DownloadBSDs for Medical Gases 2023-24
DownloadBSDs for LP Sehat Sahulat Card 2023-24
DownloadBSDs for Local Purchase of Medicines & Surgical Disposable 2023-24
DownloadMinutes of the Pre-Bid Meeting of Cafeteria services
DownloadMinutes of Pre-Bid Meeting for General Items 2023-24
DownloadTechnical Bid of Construction of IT Data Center
DownloadBID SOLICITATION DOCUMENTS (Rental Contract FY 2023-26) Cafeteria Services
DownloadConstruction of IT data center on 2nd floor of existing surgical ward Bacha Khan Medical Complex Swabi
DownloadElectric Energy Meters Single Phase (WAPDA Approved)
DownloadEvaluation of technical BiD of labour room
DownloadEvaluation of technical bid of labour Room
DownloadPre Bid Meeting Minutes (Orthopedic Implant Devices)
DownloadPre Bid Meeting Minutes (Designing, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Negative & Positive Pressure for Isolation Block
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid GKMC-VOL-02 Final bidding Documents
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid GKMC-VOL-01 Final bidding Documents
DownloadElevators technical Evaluation Mark sheet
DownloadElevators Technical Evaluation
DownloadDesigning, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Negative & Positive Pressure for Isolation Block Vol-II Bidding Docs
DownloadBSDs for Orthopedic Implants
DownloadDesigning, Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Negative & Positive pressure for Isolation Block - Vol-01 Final Bidding
DownloadTechnical Evaluation Report for the Tender "Catrering Contract for Cafeteria of THQ TopI & Chota Lahor"
DownloadBidding Documents Extention work in existing labour room
DownloadEngineers Estimate Extension and additional works in labour room
DownloadTechnical Evaluation construction of new Laboratory building on 2nd floor of New ER Building
DownloadTechnical Evaluation THQ Hospital Topi 2
DownloadTechnical Evaluation THQ Hospital Lahore
DownloadTechnical Evaluation THQ Hospital Topi
DownloadAfter Pre-bid Hospital Bed Type Elevator
DownloadAfter Pre-Bid Hospital Dumbwaiter Type Lift
DownloadTender Document Cattering Contract For Cafeteria Of THQ Topi & THQ Chota Lahor Hospitals MTI GKMC
DownloadPassenger hospital bed Type Elevator
DownloadDumbwaiter Hospital elevator
DownloadEngineers Estimate Lab Construction BKMC Swabi
DownloadBidding Documents Laboratory BKMC Swabi
DownloadRetender Engineer Estimate THQ Hospital Topi
DownloadRetender Bidding Documents THQ Hospital Topi
DownloadRe-Tender Bidding Documents THQ Hospital Lahor
DownloadRe tender Engineer Estimate THQ Lahor -1
DownloadRe-tender Engineers Estimate THQ Lahor
DownloadTechnical Evaluation Report of IT Equipment for NCN
DownloadBSDS Check Meters
DownloadAfter Prebid BSDs Microbiology (Media for Bacterial Growth, reagents, stains, Antibiotic Discs, Anti-Fungal Discs, PCR Kits)
DownloadTechnical Evaluation of the Tender "Epoxy Coating of Floor and Wall"
DownloadTechnical Evaluation of CT Scan
DownloadMicrobiology (Media for Bacterial Growth, reagents, stains, Antibiotic Discs, Anti-Fungal Discs, PCR Kits)
DownloadAutomated Blood Culture System, PCR Machine, HbA1c Machine & Electrolytes Machine on Reagent Rental Basis
DownloadRetender-bidding documents THQ lahor.
DownloadRe-tender Engineers Estimate THQ Lahor-2
DownloadRetender-Engineer Estimate THQ Lahor
DownloadBSD Re-tender THQ Hospital Topi
DownloadEngineer, s estimate THQ Hospital Topi Re-tender
DownloadEvaluation of the Technical BId "Renovation of the buildings in THQ hospital Lahor " BKMC / GKMC Swabi
DownloadEvaluation of the Technical BId "Renovation of the buildings in THQ hospital Topi " BKMC / GKMC Swabi
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DownloadTechnical Evaluation Report Dialysis Sheet B
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DownloadBSD for Panaflex 2nd time
DownloadBSD for AC and refrigerators 2nd time
DownloadBSD for Bedding clothing 2nd time
DownloadBSD for House keeping
DownloadBSD for stationary items 2nd time
DownloadBSD for electrical items
DownloadBSD for fire and safety items
DownloadBSD for mislenious items
DownloadBSD for Hardware items 2nd time
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DownloadTechnical Sheet of Porter Services
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DownloadAfter Prebid BSDs IT Equipment's Nigar College Of Nursing
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DownloadMINUTES OF THE PRE BID Meeting Porter Services for Hospital
DownloadBSDs IT Equipment's Nigar College of Nursing Swabi
DownloadEngineer, s Estimate THQ Hospital Topi
DownloadBidding documents THQ Hospital Topi
DownloadTechnical sheet Non Prop (Sheet A)
DownloadTechnical sheet Non Prop (Sheet B)
DownloadBSDs Porter Services for Hospital
DownloadEngineers Estimate THQ Lahor-2
DownloadEngineer Estimate THQ Lahor-1
DownloadBidding docs THQ Hospital Lahor
DownloadBooks for GKMC Swabi Library
DownloadTechnical Evaluation of Medical Gases
DownloadQuotation required for Books Nigar Nursing College Swabi
DownloadPre Bid minutes MRI
DownloadFinal Technical Evaluation of New Cath Lab Machine
DownloadTechnical Evaluation Report of LCD
DownloadAfter Prebid BSDs Skill + Anatomy Lab items (Nursing College)
DownloadAfter Prebid BSDs Science Lab items (Nursing College)
DownloadAfter Pre bid BSDs Manikins (Nursing College)
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DownloadTechnical Evaluation Sheet of IT Equipment
DownloadAfter Prebid BSDs for Medical Gases.
DownloadAfter prebid BSD for Dialysis Disposal
DownloadAfter prebid BSD for Mislenious Disposable
DownloadRenovation of Academic Block in MTI- GKMC Swabi
DownloadMRI on Public Private Partnership MTI-BKMC Swabi
DownloadBlood Bank and Microbiology Technical Sheet
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DownloadCT Scan MTI BKMC Swabi
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DownloadAfter Pre bid BSD for new Angio Revised 2
DownloadAfter Pre bid BSD for new Angio Revised 1
DownloadAfter pre Bid BSD for New CT Scan Machine
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DownloadAfter Pre Bid BSDs IT Infrastructure
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DownloadAfter Pre bid IT Equipment Dated 30-05-2022
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DownloadAfter Bid BSD of Dental Items