Department of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is one of the subspecialty which is really needed in any tertiary care hospital where alot of trauma patients are referred. Department of plastic surgery was started by one of the senior plastic surgeon, who then left for some reason. For couple of years, no plastic surgery facility was available for locals and the patient used to be referred to Plastic surgery centres. It was in year 2022,April that Dr Shagufta Tariq Shahab came as Assistant Professor of Plastic surgery, she set up and flourished the department in short span of time Dr Shagufta is a board certified Plastic Surgeon, who has done her fellowship from Burns and Plastic Surgery centre Hayatabad Peshawar and Jinnah burns and reconstructive surgery centre Lahore. In addition to that she has done Foundation course from American Academy of master in Aesthetics. She has done her fellowship supervisory workshops and is ready to supervise Surgery Post graduate students. She has built reputation for her excellent surgical skills and is well versed in latest surgical techniques and is constantly updating her knowledge and skills to stay at forefront Surgeries we offer here are

• Skin tumors

• Hypospadias

• Difficult wound management

• Breast surgery

• Trauma and its complications

• Burns and its complications

• Cosmetic procedures o Botox o Fillers o Laser therapies o PRP o Fulgration o Acne and Scars treatment o Face rejuvenation o Liposuction o Mommy make over procedures

Dr. Shagufta Yasmeen
Name Dr. Shagufta Yasmeen  Dr. Shagufta Yasmeen
Designation Assistant Professor, Head of Department
Phone 0938-280421
PMC/PMDC# 0938-280221
Qualification MBBS,FCPS Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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